But now, Kelly Osbourne, the former wild child is slimmer than ever and photos of her dramatic weight loss have caused quite a controversy on the net as can
be read on www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com
Kelly’s Fitness Training Exercise Program
She’s checked herself into rehab for drug and alcohol addiction three times but now, according to an exclusive interview with Us Weekly, it looks as though
Miss Osbourne has embraced a healthier lifestyle, which helped her lose weight – a whopping 42 pounds to be exact!
Kelly says she began to lose the weight when she competed on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars”, in which she got her exercise and danced her way to third place.
Her fitness training exercise program now also involves the fat-blasting ballet-meets-yoga-meets-Pilates exercise Bar Fitness Method. Her new lifestyle has
made the 5’2 singer lose weight (she went from a size 14 to a size 2, from 160 pounds to 118 pounds)!
She also attributed her weight loss to her dancer partner, Louis van Amstel. Van Amstel made her exercise and practice six hours a day to get fit, she said.
Many people have a dramatic weight loss while on DWTS but after the show ends, they generally gain it all back and for Kelly to have kept it off is an
And while she’s not a big fan of exercise, Osbourne swears by the Bar Fitness Training Method, a class she takes for 60-minutes, three days a week. When she
can’t make class, Osbourne gets her fitness training exercise done by hiking trails near her parents’ California home with mom Sharon and a fitness trainer.
Her exercise program consists of doing push up, sit ups and walking and by the end of the day, she’s gasping for breathe.
Kelly’s Weight Loss Tips

This isn’t the first time that Kelly Osbourne has had a rapid weight loss. She lost nearly 40 pounds on the Blood Type Diet
Plan but she gained it back before 2009’s Dancing with the Stars. She’s also been known to try a few extreme weight loss diet plans. A friend once told her
to take a diet supplement called Adderall, an ADHD drug that suppresses appetite a couple of years ago. “I starved myself until I was shaking and felt sick.”
She also tried another weight loss diet plan called the Atkins Diet which required eating a lot of meat and cheese, no vegetables, and she hated it.
Kelly reveals that her weight loss is due to her becoming more conscious of what she eats and what she doesn’t. Her diet plan and weight loss tips include:
Cutting back on soda
“Instead of having 10 sodas a day, I’ll have one. And instead of having potato chips, I’ll have rice cakes.”
Ditching convenience food
“Get rid of your microwave! It’s the easiest thing to chuck some three-minute meal in. If you don’t have one, you’ll pick up something fresh.”
Positive Frame of Mind
“I find that when I get depressed, that’s when I gain it all back. But as soon as I start working and I’m productive, I feel good about myself and I start to
lose weight.”
An average day eating-wise for Osbourne consists of an egg-white omelet with turkey bacon for breakfast, a chopped salad with tomatoes, salami, mozzarella
and garbanzo beans for lunch and a turkey burger with a salad of steamed vegetables for dinner. Sugar-free Jell-O is her go to snack. Also part of her weight
loss program from Miss Osbourne is to eat just a little bit of something that has no carbs and no sugar in it before she goes to sleep because it keeps one’s
metabolism going. “They say you should never eat before you go to bed, but I’ve found that having just a tiny little snack like half an apple before bed
really helps” as mentioned in www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com
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