Keri’s Fitness Regime
Keri Russell does exercise by walking, sometimes with grocery bags, most of the time with her child. When asked how she kept her energy up, she responded that if she has the time, she does some exercises. When free she does Pilates exercises, runs, and walks. Her favorite form of fitness is biking. Biking is wonderful fitness for the entire body, especially the lower body. People who want to develop great muscle tone on their legs, back end and hips while trimming their waists and increasing their cardio vascular health should try biking. Biking regularly can significantly decrease a person’s risk for heart disease. Since heart disease is one of the biggest killers of Americans any activity that can decrease your risk of heart disease is something worth pursuing.
Keri Russell never had problems with weight loss courtesy of her genes. She says she loves to eat and she was never on any diets.
“My dad’s whole side of the family is very thin. Thank God I have that gene, because I eat doughnuts like there’s no tomorrow. But I do like to be physical, and I think if I just sat on my ass all day, I’d start seeing the effects.” She tells when asked if she had gone thought any diet phase.
How to start your own weight loss program
Like the star of Felicity you can also lose weight by doing your daily routines. Research has shown that you lose calories in every activity that you perform. It can be exercises you do maybe with fitness machines or not and with or without exercise programs. It can be as intense as cardio exercises or as mild as reading a book.
Tips on How to Lose Weight
Weight loss can be done successfully using a simple metabolic process. To lose weight, you have to burn more calories in a day that you consume! Weight loss is as simple as understanding that. Decrease your calorie input and increase your calorie output and you will lose weight. To make it easier to burn calories you also have to pick the right fitness training in order to complete the equation. Think of it this way, biking is a great exercise, combine it with a low calorie diet; you will have an excellent success rate in weight loss compared to biking with pizza and a large soda as mentioned in
Things to consider when looking for the best weight loss program and diet plans
- Is it safe? Some people would go for fast diets, but it may not be the best. Unless you have a health condition that requires a rapid weight loss. Always see to it that your health will not be affected when in a diet plan or weight loss program.
- Is it achievable? When we notice that our weight loss stops, we panic. We immediately look for the most rapid weight loss programs out there. We hire fitness trainers, and we try every weight loss plans known to man. But then after a while we become too busy to continue the next month. So make sure that you have the time to go on with the exercise program.
- How much are you willing to give up? Weight loss also involves a diet plan. Are you willing to give up on chocolates, ice creams, and a whole lot more? When in fitness training, most of these foods are a big no-no, because these are the ones that destroy our diet plan in the first place.

If you would like some ideas on different diet plans that celebrities use, visit our page Celebrity Diets
For ideas on different types of exercises please visit Celebrity Workouts!
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